• News: Abiomed-Aktie nach Übernahmeangebot mit 50% Kurssprung

    by admin on 2022-11-14 14:48:12
    Die Flut an großen Übernahme-Deals in der Medizinbranche reißt nicht ab. Jetzt hat der US-Pharma- und Konsumgüterkonzern Johnson & Johnson (J&J) eine Milliardenofferte für Abiomed auf den Tisch gelegt. Abiomed ist auf Herzpumpen spezialisiert und soll das Gesch&aum
  • Our weekly heroine Mia Pejic im Interview: „Ich möchte, dass Frauen ihre weibliche Energie nutzen.“ - wmn

    by admin on 2022-11-14 14:47:43
    Das neue Lifestyle-Magazin für junge Frauen Our weekly heroine ist Mia Pejic. Welche Tipps sie Frauen fürs Bewerbungsgespräch gibt & warum Schüchternheit eine Stärke ist, liest du hier. Bei wmn küren wir jede Woche eine starke und inspirierende Frau zu unserer wöchentli
  • Inhalt hinzufügen

    by admin on 2022-11-14 14:47:40
    Fernsehsendungen gibt es .. da muss man erstmal überlegen, warum es solche Sendungen gibt und ob es das überhaupt gibt, dass man sich gleich auf den ersten Blick verliebt.Ich hab da mal in die Sendung "Hochzeit auf den ersten Blick" reingeschaut und meinen Augen kaum getraut. Ein Paar, dass vorher
  • Is a Steel Prefab House a Good Choice ?

    by admin on 2022-10-21 00:00:00
    If you're planning to build a new home, you may be wondering if a Steel Prefab House is a good choice. After all, they are more affordable to build than other types of homes, and they also offer beautiful living environments. Moreover, they can add value to your property.Steel is a high-performa
  • Is a Steel Prefab House a Good Choice ?

    by admin on 2022-10-21 00:00:00
    If you're planning to build a new home, you may be wondering if a Steel Prefab House is a good choice. After all, they are more affordable to build than other types of homes, and they also offer beautiful living environments. Moreover, they can add value to your property.Steel is a high-performa
  • Is a Steel Prefab House a Good Choice ?

    by admin on 2022-10-21 00:00:00
    If you're planning to build a new home, you may be wondering if a Steel Prefab House is a good choice. After all, they are more affordable to build than other types of homes, and they also offer beautiful living environments. Moreover, they can add value to your property.Steel is a high-performa
  • Is a Steel Prefab House a Good Choice ?

    by admin on 2022-10-21 00:00:00
    If you're planning to build a new home, you may be wondering if a Steel Prefab House is a good choice. After all, they are more affordable to build than other types of homes, and they also offer beautiful living environments. Moreover, they can add value to your property.Steel is a high-performa
  • Types of Prefab Houses from HoMagic

    by admin on 2022-10-20 00:00:00
    A Prefab House is a type of prefabricated building that is shipped offsite and assembles on site. Often referred to as a "prefab", this type of building is designed to be fast, easy, and affordable. Prefabricated buildings are usually made in standard sections, allowing them to be shipped
  • Types of Prefab Houses from HoMagic

    by admin on 2022-10-20 00:00:00
    A Prefab House is a type of prefabricated building that is shipped offsite and assembles on site. Often referred to as a "prefab", this type of building is designed to be fast, easy, and affordable. Prefabricated buildings are usually made in standard sections, allowing them to be shipped
  • Is a Steel Prefab House a Good Choice ?

    by admin on 2022-10-20 00:00:00
    If you're planning to build a new home, you may be wondering if a Steel Prefab House is a good choice. After all, they are more affordable to build than other types of homes, and they also offer beautiful living environments. Moreover, they can add value to your property.Steel is a high-performa